I will not macerate Aunt Gail’s crumbly-ass stuffing into a paste using only sheer will and the booze in my mouth while my ears are assaulted by another Infowars sermon from that manchild Uncle Mark.
The Magic Wave and Mashed Potatoes
I was raised by serial liars. This makes things complicated.
Write Club: Doomed v. Saved (DOOMED)
I stand before you, a serious threat. I’m a middle aged woman who’s had a lot of sex solely for pleasure, and is bleeding profusely out of her unregulated vagina. Right now. The only way I could be scarier is if I weren’t white. My right to my own body, to birth control, to cancer screenings, to terminate unwanted pregnancies, to vote, to speak, to exist on the internet, to have emotions, to walk alone, to seek justice against assault, to not be blamed for rape, to not have my clothing policed, to find heroes, to gain weight, to take up space...is constantly doomed.